Frequently Asked Questions
Am I required to carry Workers Compensation Insurance?
In Colorado, it is required to carry Workers Compensation if you employ 1 or more people in your business, with just a few exemptions.
What do Workers Compensation Insurance benefits include?
Medical benefits are provided unlimited for both on the job injuries and occupational diseases. Workers Compensation will also provide your employees with Disability income during the time they cannot work. Workers Compensation also provides Rehabilitation including physical, occupational and vocational therapy and training. Lastly, if the work related accident or disease kills your employee, it pays a Funeral expense and lost income to the survivors.
Where can I purchase Workers Compensation Insurance?
Colorado is a competitive state which means there are many insurance companies that provide coverage but not all companies provide coverage to all types of businesses. We also have a State Supported company, Pinnacol Assurance which covers all of Colorado regardless of how risky your business exposure is.
I hire Independent Contractors only, do I have to carry Worker’s Compensation?
Technically, the answer is no however, the State of Colorado may have a difference of opinion on whether your workers are true Independent Contractors or employees. Here is more information on what is required and who is exempt.
Can I charge my employees for the cost of Workers Compensation?
No, it is against state law to charge or deduct any portion of the Workers Compensation Insurance premiums from their employees paychecks.