Frequently Asked Questions


What is the difference between personal liability insurance & personal injury liability insurance?

Personal Liability insurance protects the insured and their family by paying out for Bodily Injury and Property Damage they cause to other people & that they are held legally responsible for. Personal Injury liability insurance is an addition to your home policy and covers you if you are sued for a psychological or mental claim such as: 


Malicious prosecution

Wrongful eviction



Invasion of privacy

False arrest, detention, or imprisonment

What is an umbrella policy and why would I need one? 

Lawsuits have become commonplace in today's world, and higher sums are being awarded than ever before. Home and auto policies provide you with liability coverage, but they have limits that are often exceeded in today's culture of lawsuits. An Umbrella policy provides extra coverage, starting at $1M, coming into play when either home or auto limits are maxed out from a severe or complicated incident. 


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